The Benefits of Water Tanking

The Benefits of Water Tanking

Protecting homes from flooding can be done in several ways and water tanking tends to be one of the lesser-known ways to do this. For houses prone to flooding, or for new builds in high flood risk areas water tanking can be one of the best ways to hold back...
Surveys for Sump Pumps

Surveys for Sump Pumps

Stormguard Floodplan are flood protection experts and one of the many enquiries we get from homeowners is regarding how a sump pump installation will impact a property. More and more homes owners are converting their basements and cellars into additional rooms, to...

Prepare for April Showers

With spring on the way, we’re all looking forwards to warmer weather, lighter days and generally better outdoor conditions. Year after year though, we forget that this season often brings with it heavy downpours or ‘April showers’ as they are affectionately known. For...
Buying a Flood Risk Property

Buying a Flood Risk Property

For most people, a house is one of the biggest financial commitments made in a lifetime and so pre-purchase due diligence needs to be measured and careful. Just like any other investment, knowing what the return will be and how much you need to front initially can...
Flood Defences for Garages

Flood Defences for Garages

When it comes to flood protection for homes, many people focus on the windows, doorways and air bricks that could result in water ingress and result in their home flooding. While this is obviously an important step in protecting your assets, it’s vital that other...