
When thinking about defending your home or business during floods it can be easy to overlook the issue of sewage. It can, however, be a very real and pressing threat in the face of flooding, potentially being forced back up the pipes and into your home. Luckily, Stormguard Floodplan have all aspects of flooding defence covered, including this one.

Our Flap Valve is one of our sewage defence options. These are installed on the used water pipe leading away from the property. Once implemented, the Flap Valve is a permanent solution and will not allow wastewater to return to the property. Specifically, these flaps protect you from:


  • Backflow flooding.
  • Vermin access via the drains.
  • Noxious fumes from the sewer system


Our Backwater Non-Return Valves are another sewage defence option from Stormguard Floodplan. As suggested in their name, the function of these valves is to prevent the backflow of water through sink, dishwasher, and shower outlets. By installing non-return valves water will not be able to re-enter your property.

Other Flood Defence Systems

For more flood defence systems, Stormguard Floodplan offer everything from Flood Doors, Flood Barriers, to basement tanking, and sump pumps. All our products come with a high standard of manufacturing and installation by experts in flood defence. Don’t just take our word for it, see what our customers have to say by reading the testimonials online.

Stormguard Floodplan

Contact the experts at Stormguard Floodplan today in order to find out more about our services. You can do so by calling 01260 289 089 or by emailing