When buying a property that is in an area at risk of flooding, one of your first concerns will be how to best defend your property, if it isn’t already, or bolster existing defences. Luckily, Stormguard Floodplan are the experts on had to offer advice on all things flood defence of your domestic and commercial properties.

Flood Fencing

Built to last, with a choice of colours, and trusted by our customers, the Stormguard Floodplan Flood Fencing could be your first line of protection as long as your property permits it. Rather than rot or decay, our flood fencing will only diminish in colour over time due to weathering. Flood fencing works by installing the panels and posts deep underground in order to ensure stability as well as extra underground flood defences. This fencing could be the first line. To find out more about this product, get in touch with a member of our team today on 01260 289 089.

Other Defences

Once you have installed flood fencing, or if that isn’t an option, there are a plethora of additional measures you can take to ensure you get the best possible protection for your home. For example, we provide flood protection in the form of flood doors, flood barriers, Vaxseal Waterproofing, and tanking.

Stormguard Floodplan

Contact Stormguard Floodplan today for a free home survey by calling 01260 289 089 or by emailing info@floodplan.co.uk. Don’t leave it too late!