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Flood Survey

A flood survey could save your home.

According to the flood charity ‘Know Your Flood Risk‘ over 5 million people in the United Kingdom live or work in a property likely to be affected by floods. What is even more concerning is that 2/3rds of people are totally unaware of the flood risk that they face. Damage to property by floods could cost several thousands of pounds to repair. Would you rather know if your property was at risk from floods? Then you should consider contacting us for a flood survey.


Stormguard Floodplan carry out a flood survey at a property in Havant

Why have a flood survey?

Anyone applying for a mortgage in a flood area must obtain a flood report. If work is needed this must be carried out before the house or business can be mortgaged. The onus is on the seller to arrange this, meaning if you want to sell you must protect your property.

When we carry out the flood survey, we recommend to you what actions would protect your property from floods. For some no action might be needed. For others there may be a need for work to prevent water ingress in case of a flood.

If the flood survey states that your property is at high risk from floods the report will recommend what measures can be taken. It will highlight the ways to reduce the risk of floods and to what standard. If these recommendations in the flood survey are implemented we will revisit your property to carry out the installation. After this is complete we provide you with a certificate of compliance that shows that your property is no longer at high risk and could be eligible for standard insurance.

A flood survey can save you money! If your property has been wrongly categorised as a high risk of flooding, the flood survey can be ebough for you to be eligible for lower premiums.

Stormguard Floodplan are one of the few Company’s in the UK that have helped their clients obtain Flood insurance after the Company acted on their behalf.

Contact us

If you would like to take advantage of our flood survey then get in touch. You can call us on 01260 289 089. You can also use our online contact form to get in touch with us. A flood survey could be the difference between safety and disaster for you, don’t miss this chance!